Coronavirus: Will we ever be “back to normal”?

Has it really been more than two months since this COVID thing went down? Crazy how fast time goes!

Many of us continue to work from home and practice social distancing (although many don’t), anxiously awaiting the return of normalcy to our lives, but will it ever be “back to normal”? I am an optimist and would really like to think so, but realistically it will take some time and for now, let’s just say that:

  1. Travel plans are off the table for this year. Grrrr!
  2. Whatever big celebration you/we were anticipating for summer 2020, will have to wait for 2021 – it will be even better & bigger, right? 😉 And if it’s your wedding that I am talking about, don’t stress. Make your commitment, sign the papers as scheduled and next spring/summer, have the big party with all your friends and family.
  3. Stick to buying local for a few more months, it is essential – at least the little thing like vegetables, games, liquor, eggs, gifts, etc. And when I say local, you know that I don’t mean Walmart or Costco. Those will survive another couple of months without our entire food/drink budget.
  4. The enjoyment of nature will remain our top priority 😉  And lucky for us (those living in BC), we live in an amazing part of the world, so it shouldn’t be a hardship.
  5. Arts….that’s a tricky one. Arts can be appreciated at any time from anywhere, but the lack of actual gathering is tough – well, at least for me! I love concerts and going to plays, but it’s not going to happen for a while, so now more than ever, if you feel a burning talent in you, just go for it – let it out. Learn an instrument or a new language, take virtual drama classes, start writing your memoir, pull out all the furniture in your living room and dance, grab your phone or an old camera and explore the joy of photography and videography – the choices are endless.
  6. Keep focusing on what’s important like your family, your growth, your community.
  7. We must continue to embrace technology. It got us so far and hasn’t really failed us.
  8. It comes last, but should be listed first! Let’s just say that our personal hygiene practices should remain extreme. Wash your hands, wash your hands and wash your hands….it won’t hurt us and most importantly, it could save us.

I realized though that for some people, the current situation doesn’t allow you to think positively and that facing sickness or financial hardship is a part of your day-to-day reality. I am so sorry, not only for what you are going through but also for writing such a narrow-minded article, one that assumes that everything is going to be fine in a few months. Trust me, I wish I could cover it all, but I would never be able to pretend to understand what it is like for you & your family. So I will leave it here and let this piece talk to a small segment of our society.
Everyone, please stay strong, keep safe, and remain positive!

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