TED2014 Speakers

I am pretty sure many of you still remember the fourth day in February 2013 when we heard that the influential TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference was coming to Vancouver!  What a day and what a treat for those, like me, living in Vancouver.

Since the announcement though, we haven’t heard much.  We understand the importance and impact the conference will have on our city and that the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Economic Commission work closely alongside to ensure that our community have access to this amazing and unique conference, but we wanted more.  Last Thursday, TED finally announced the lineup of almost 50 speakers who, over four days, will deliver an agenda of talks to 1,200 registrants.  Bill and Melinda Gates, Chris Hadfield and Sting are among those who will be participating and celebrating TED’s 30th anniversary under the banner “The Next Chapter”.

For many years now TED Conference has become a phenomenon and you will find below the full list of those who will be featured from March 17 to 21 2014.

Allan Adams: Theoretical physicist
Kevin Briggs: Golden Gate guardian
Amanda Burden: Urban planner
Matthew Carter: Type designer, famous for the fonts Verdana, Galliard and Georgia
David Chalmers: Philosopher and NYU professor
Wendy Chung: Geneticist
Andrew Connolly: Astronomer and developer of Google Sky
Masarat Daud: Rural education campaigner
Zak Ebrahim: Peace activist
Keren Elazari: GigaOM analyst cybersecurity expert
David Epstein: ProPublica sports science reporter, former Sports Iluustrated contributor
Bran Ferren: Technology designer
Melinda and Bill Gates: Philanthropists
Deborah Gordon: Stanford ecologist
Helder Guimarães: Magician
Chris Hadfield: Astronaut
Del Harvey: Director of security at Twitter
Hugh Herr: Prostheticist at MIT Media Lab
Mellody Hobson: Investment expert and chair of the board of DreamWorks Animation
Jim Holt: Writer and philosopher
Joi Ito: Director of the MIT Media Lab
Sarah Jones: Tony Award winning-playwright and UNICEF ambassador
Nancy Kanwisher: MIT brain researcher
Chris Kluwe: Former Minnesota Vikings punter and author
Rob Knight: Microbial ecologist
Marc Kushner: Architect
David Kwong: Crossword puzzle maker for the New York Times
Michel Laberge: Plasma physicist
Sara Lewis: Firefly specialist
Will Marshall: Space scientist
Jon Mooallem: Writer
Randall Munroe: Cartoonist, responsible for xkcd
Nicholas Negroponte: Founder of the MIT Media Lab, and the man behind One Laptop per Child
Raspyni Brothers: Jugglers
Avi Reichental: 3D printer
Yoruba Richen: Documentary filmmaker
Geena Rocero: Model and activist
Mark Ronson: Music Producer and DJ
Ben Saunders: Arctic explorer
Gavin Schmidt: Climate scientist
                      Jennifer Senior: Writer
Simon Sinek: Leadership expert
Andrew Solomon: Writer
Margaret Gould Stewart: User experience master
Sting: Composer, singer, author, actor, activist
Julia Sweeney: Actor, comedian, playwright
Marco Tempest: Techno-illusionist
Jason Webley: Musician
Ed Yong: Science writer